Introduction to Modern Fortran
Fortran Development
- First version 1954
- Fortran 90 – Backwards compatible
- (The F programming language)
- Fortran 95
- Fortran 2003, (2004)
- Fortran 2008, (2010)
- Coming Fortran 2018 (Minor revision)
program tpk(input,output);
i : integer;
y : real;
a : array [0..10] of real;
function f ( t : real) : real;
f := sqrt(abs(t)) + 5*t*t*t
for i := 0 to 10 do read(a[i]);
for i := 10 downto 0 do
y := f(a[i]);
if y > 400 then
writeln(i,' TOO LARGE')
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
double f (double t)
double temp;
temp = sqrt(fabs(t)) + 5*pow(t,3);
return temp;
int main()
int i;
double y;
double a[11];
for ( i = 0; i <= 10; ++i)
scanf("%lf", &a[i]);
for ( i = 10; i >= 0; i = i - 1 ) {
y = f(a[i]);
if ( y > 400 ) {
printf(" %d",i);
printf(" TOO LARGE\n");
else {
printf(" %d",i);
printf(" %lf",y);
printf(" \n");
return 0;
2 DO 3,8,11 J=1,11
3 I=11-J
IF (400>=Y) 8,4
4 PRINT I,999.
1 FORMAT(6F12.4)
DO 10 J=1,11
9 FORMAT(I10,F12.7)
STOP 52525
FUN(T) = SQRT(ABS(T)) + 5.0*T**3
READ (5,1) A
1 FORMAT(5F10.2)
DO 10 J = 1, 11
I = 11 - J
Y = FUN(A(I+1))
IF (400.0-Y) 4, 8, 8
4 WRITE (6,5) I
GO TO 10
8 WRITE(6,9) I, Y
FORMAT(I10, F12.6)
FORTRAN IV / Fortran 66
FUN(T) = SQRT(ABS(T)) + 5.0*T**3
READ (5,1) A
1 FORMAT(5F10.2)
DO 10 J = 1, 11
I = 11 - J
Y = FUN(A(I+1))
IF (400.0-Y) 4, 8, 8
4 WRITE (6,5) I
GO TO 10
8 WRITE(6,9) I, Y
FORMAT(I10, F12.6)
REAL A(0:10)
READ (5,*) A
DO 10 I = 10, 0, -1
Y = FUN(A(I))
IF ( Y .LT. 400) THEN
WRITE(6,9) I, Y
9 FORMAT(I10, F12.6)
WRITE (6,5) I
FUN = SQRT(ABS(T)) + 5.0*T**3
Fortran 90/95
program sample1
integer, parameter :: ap=selected_real_kind(15,300)
real(kind=ap) :: x, y
real(kind=ap) :: k(20,20)
x = 6.0_ap
y = 0.25_ap
write(*,*) x
write(*,*) y
write(*,*) ap
call myproc(k)
write(*,*) k(1,1)
subroutine myproc(k)
integer, parameter :: ap=selected_real_kind(15,300)
real(kind=ap) :: k(20,20)
k(1,1) = 42.0_ap
end subroutine myproc
end program sample1
Source form
Source form
Free form | Fixed form | |
Source format | Max 132 characters | Code in positions 7-72, line numbers in position 2-5 |
Comments | ! anywhere on a line | !, C or * at position 1 |
Continuation | & at end of line | character at position 6 on continuation line |
Multiple statements / line | ; between statements | On statement per row |
Example of Fortran code
program example
implicit none
integer, parameter :: ap=selected_real_kind(15,300)
real(ap) :: x,y
real(ap) :: K(20,20)
x = 6.0_ap ! This is line comment
y = &
0.25_ap + &
write(*,*) x; write(*,*) y
write(*,*) ap
call myproc(K)
subroutine myproc(K)
real(ap) :: K(:,:)
K = 0.0_ap
end subroutine
end program example
Program structure
program program-name]
[specication statements]
[executable statements]
end [program [program-name]]
Compiling and running Fortran code
What is a program
- Executable code - machine code
- Links to system libraries for interacting with operating system and file system
- Links to external libraries
How to create a program
- Handcoding machine code (HARD)
- Writing assembler source code
- compiling source to machine code (hard)
- Using Fortran/C/C++ or any other higher language
- compiling source to machine code (easier)
- Using Python
- compiles and executes each line
Making an executable
- Write source code
- Compile source code to object files (unlinked machine code)
- Link object files and libraries to an executable
Source (.f90)
Source (.f90)
Source (.f90)
Object code (.o)
Object code (.o)
Object code (.o)
Libraries (.so)
Getting out our tools
$ ml foss/2019a
$ ml
Currently Loaded Modules:
1) GCCcore/8.2.0 8) libpciaccess/0.14
2) binutils/2.31.1 9) hwloc/1.11.11
3) GCC/8.2.0-2.31.1 10) OpenMPI/3.1.3
4) zlib/1.2.11 11) OpenBLAS/0.3.5
5) numactl/2.0.12 12) FFTW/3.3.8
6) XZ/5.2.4 13) ScaLAPACK/2.0.2-OpenBLAS-0.3.5
7) libxml2/2.9.8 14) foss/2019a
$ gfortran --version
GNU Fortran (GCC) 8.2.0
Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
Loading required modules
Compiling Fortran code
- Write source code - use .f90 extension
- Compile a Fortran source to an object file with:
gfortran -c mysource.f90
- generates the object file mysource.o
gfortran -c mysource.f90
- multiple source files can be given
gfortran -c source1.f90 source2.f90
- generates the object files source1.o and source2.o
gfortran -c source1.f90 source2.f90
Linking Fortran code
- Linking is done using
gfortran mysource.o
- generates an executable a.out
gfortran mysource.o
- Executable can be given a name
gfortran mysource.o -o myexec
- generates an executable myexec
gfortran mysource.o -o myexec
Compiling and linking in a single step
- Compiling and linking can be done in a single step
- gfortran mysource.f90 -o myexec
- Multiple source files can be compiled in a single step
- gfortran mysource.f90 source1.f90 source2.f90 -o myexec
Naming of variables
- 1-31 alphanumeric characters (letters, numbers and underscore)
- Variable names can consist of both upper case and lower case characters.
- Variables are case insensitive A and a are references to the same variable
- First character can't be a number
Valid variable names
Invalid variable names
1a | First char a number |
a thing | Contains a space |
_ | only non-alphanumeric char |
a |
a_thing |
x1 |
mass |
q123 |
time_of_flight |
Variable types
- integer, integers
- real, floating point numbers
- complex, complex numbers
- logical, boolean variables
- character, strings and characters
Variable declaration
type [[,attribute]... ::] entity-list
Variable declaration
integer :: a ! Scalar integer variable
real :: b ! Scalar floating point variable
logical :: flag ! boolean variable
real :: D(10) ! Floating point array consisting of 10 elements
real :: K(20,20) ! Floating point array of 20x20 elements
integer, dimension(10) :: C ! Integer array of 10 elements
character :: ch ! Character
character, dimension(60) :: chv ! Array of characters
character(len=80) :: line ! Character string
character(len=80) :: lines(60) ! Array of strings
integer, parameter :: A = 5 ! Integer constant
real :: C(A) ! Floating point array where
! the number of elements is
! specified by A
Variable precision
- Precision can be specfied as an extra parameter for the data type
- Precision specifiers dependent on compiler and system architecture
- special directives can be used to specify precision independent of architecture
- selected_real_kind
- selected_int_kind
Variable precision
real(8) :: A
real(4) :: B
integer(4) :: I
integer, parameter :: ap = selected_real_kind(15,300)
real(kind=ap) :: X,Y
Using selected_real_kind
explicit precision specifiers
integer, parameter :: ap = selected_real_kind(15,300)
significant decimals
! variable declaration with precision specifier
X = 6.2_rk
program constants
implicit none
integer, parameter :: ap = selected_real_kind(15,300)
real(ap) :: pi1, pi2
pi1 = 3.141592653589793
pi2 = 3.141592653589793_ap
write(*,*) 'pi1 = ', pi1
write(*,*) 'pi2 = ', pi2
end program constants
pi1 = 3.14159274101257 pi2 = 3.14159265358979
General type rule
- By default variables does not have to be declared in Fortran
- The general type rule defines
- Variables starting with I..N are integer
- Other variables are real by default
- This can lead to difficult bugs and should be avoided
- By placing the directive implicit none in the beginning of a program or module forces declaration of all variables.
Variable assignment
Variables are assigned with the equal operator (=)
real(rk) | a = 42.0_rk |
integer(ik) | b = 42_ik |
logical | c = .false. d = .true. |
character | first_name = 'Jan' last_name = "Johansson" company_name1 = "McDonald's" company_name2 = 'McDonald''s' |
Defined and undefined variables
- A variable is said to be undefined until it has been assigned a value
- real :: speed ! variable speed exists, but is undefined
- An undefined variable must not be referenced
- When a variable is assigned a value it is considered defined
- speed = 42.0 ! variable speed is defined
- It can now be referenced by other expressions
- An array is said to be defined when all elements have been assigned values
Derived data types
- In some cases it can be benificial to define your own datatypes
- Derived data types
- Can contain
- Standard variable types
- Arrays
- Other derived data types
- A derived data type is defined by a type-statement block listing the included data members and type
- Declared using the type keyword
- type([data type]) :: variable
Derived data types
program derived1
use mf_utils
implicit none
type particle
real(dp) :: x
real(dp) :: y
real(dp) :: z
real(dp) :: m
end type particle
type(particle) :: p
p % x = 0.0_dp
p % y = 1.0_dp
p % z = 2.0_dp
p % m = 3.0_dp
print*, p % x
print*, p % y
print*, p % z
print*, p % m
end program derived1
data type definition
variable declaration
assignment using % operator
accessing values using % operator
Derived data types
program derived2
use mf_utils
implicit none
type data_record
real(dp) :: a
integer :: b
logical :: c
character(10) :: name
end type data_record
type(data_record) :: d
d % a = 0.0_dp
d % b = 1
d % c = .true.
d % name = 'fortran'
print*, d % a
print*, d % b
print*, d % c
print*, d % name
end program derived2
mixed data types
Operators and expressions
Arithmetic operators
** | power to |
* | multiplication |
/ | division |
+ | addition |
- | subtraction |
Order of operations
- Parentesis ( )
- Operations with **
- Operations with * or /
- Operations with + or -
c = a+b/2 ! is equivalent to a + (b/2)
c = (a+b)/2 ! in this case (a + b) is evaluated and then /2
Relational operators
< | .lt. | less than |
<= | .le. | less than or equal to |
> | .gt. | greater than |
>= | .ge. | greater than or equal to |
== | .eq. | equal to |
/= | .ne. | not equal to |
Logical operators
.and. | and |
.or. | or |
.not. | not |
Integer expressions
Results of divisions will be truncated towards 0
6/3 = 2
8/3 = 2
-8/3 = -2
2**3 = 8
2**(-3) = 1/(2**3) = 0
Mixed mode expressions
- Numeric expressions with operands of differing datatypes
- Weaker of to datatypes will be coerced to the stronger one
- Result will be of the stronger type
real :: a
integer :: i
real :: b
b = a*i
Coerced to real
Array expressions
- Intrinsic operations can also apply to arrays
- Same shape arrays are assumed
- One or more operands can be scalar
- scalar values ”broadcast” to array operands
- Order of array operations is not specified in the standard
- Enabling efficient execution on a vector or parallel computer
Array expressions
real, dimension(10,20) :: a, b
real, dimension(5) :: v
a/b ! Array of shape (10,20), with elements a(i,j)/b(i,j)
v+1. ! Array of shape (5), with elements v(i) + 1.0
5/v+a(1:5,5) ! Array of shape (5), with elements 5/v(i) + a(i,5)
a.eq.b ! .true. if a(i,j)==b(i,j) and .false. otherwise
Arrays and matrices
Arrays and matrices
- Important concepts in scientific and technical applications
- Efficient datatype in Fortran
- Can be statically or dynamically allocated (Fortran 90)
- Supports advanced indexing, slicing and assignment
integer, parameter :: rk = selected_real_kind(15,300)
real(rk), dimension(20,20) :: K ! Matrix 20x20 elements
real(rk) :: Ke(8,8) ! Matrix 8x8 elements
real(rk) :: fe(6) ! Array with 6 elements
Array indices
- By default starting index of an array is 1
- Can be redefined
! Array with indices
! [-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3]
real(rk) :: idx(-3:3)
Array assignment
Individual elements
K(5,6) = 5.0
Entire array
K = 5.0
Multiple values in single assignment
real(rk) :: v(5) ! Array with 5 elements
v = (/ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 /)
Assigning slices
program index_notation
implicit none
real :: A(4,4)
real :: B(4)
real :: C(4)
B = A(2,:) ! Assigns B the values of row 2 in A
C = A(:,1) ! Assigns C the values of column 1 in A
end program index_notation
Assigning slices
! Assign row 5 in matrix K the values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
K(5,:) = (/ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 /)
! Assign the array v the values 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
v = (/ 5.0, 4.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0 /)
Using slices rows and columns can be assigned in single statements
Array storage
- Arrays (1, 2 .. more dimensions) are always stored contiguous in memory
- twodimensional arrays are stored columnwise in memory
Array storage
real :: A(16)
real :: A(8,2)
real :: A(2,8)
Assigning slices
! Assign row 5 in matrix K the values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
K(5,:) = (/ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 /)
! Assign the array v the values 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
v = (/ 5.0, 4.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0 /)
Arrays and derived data types
program derived2
use mf_utils
implicit none
type data_record
real(dp) :: a
integer :: b
logical :: c
character(10) :: name
end type data_record
type(data_record) :: d(5)
integer :: i
do i=1,5
d(i) % a = 0.0_dp
d(i) % b = i
d(i) % c = .true.
d(i) % name = 'fortran'
end do
do i=1,5
print*, d(i) % b
end do
end program derived2
derived data type array
Conditional statements
if (scalar-logical-expr) then
end if
if (scalar-logical-expr) statement
if (scalar-logical-expr1) then
else if (scalar-logical-expr2) then
end if
program logic
implicit none
integer :: x
logical :: flag
write(*,*) 'Enter an integer value.'
read(*,*) x
flag = .FALSE.
if (x>1000) then
x = 1000
flag = .TRUE.
end if
if (x<0) then
x = 0
flag = .TRUE.
end if
if (flag) then
write(*,'(a,I4)') 'Corrected value = ', x
write(*,'(a,I4)') 'Value = ', x
end if
end program logic
select statement
select statement
select case (expr)
case selector
end select
select case (expr)
case selector
case default
end select
select statement
program case_sample
integer :: value
write(*,*) 'Enter a value'
read(*,*) value
select case (value)
case (:0)
write(*,*) 'Greater than one.'
case (1)
write(*,*) 'Number one!'
case (2:9)
write(*,*) 'Between 2 and 9.'
case (10)
write(*,*) 'Number 10!'
case (11:41)
write(*,*) 'Less than 42 but greater than 10.'
case (42)
write(*,*) 'Meaning of life or perhaps 6*7.'
case (43:)
write(*,*) 'Greater than 42.'
case default
write(*,*) 'This should never happen!'
end select
end program case_sample
Repetitive statements
do i = 1, 10
j = j + i
end do
do i = 2, 30, 4
j = j + i
end do
loop-variable is not allowed to be modified inside a do-statement
do i=1, 1000
if (i>50) then
else if (i<10) then
end if
print *,i
end do
Exit do-statement and execute next executable statement after loop.
Continue to next iteration
do while statements
do while (scalar-logical-expr)
end do
Execute until a certain condition is fulfilled
do while statements
x = 0.0
do while (x<1.05)
f = sin(x)
x = x + 0.1
write(*,*) x, f
end do
0.100000001 0.00000000 0.200000003 9.98334214E-02 0.300000012 0.198669329 0.400000006 0.295520216 0.500000000 0.389418334 0.600000024 0.479425550 0.700000048 0.564642489 0.800000072 0.644217730 0.900000095 0.717356145 1.00000012 0.783326983 1.10000014 0.841471076
Built-in functions
Mathematical functions
Mathematical functions
Conversion functions
Vector- and matrix functions
Vector- and matrix functions
real(rk), dimension(20,20) :: A, B, C
C = A/B ! Division Cij = Aij/Bij
C = sqrt(A) ! Square root Cij = sqrt(Aij)
Functions and operators can be used with arrays.
A stiffness matrix
Fortran implementation
program function_sample
implicit none
integer, parameter :: rk = selected_real_kind(15,300)
integer :: i, j
real(rk) :: x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2
real(rk) :: nx, ny, nz
real(rk) :: L, E, A
real(rk) :: Kel(2,2)
real(rk) :: Ke(6,6)
real(rk) :: G(2,6)
! Initiate scalar values
E = 1.0_rk
A = 1.0_rk
x1 = 0.0_rk
x2 = 1.0_rk
y1 = 0.0_rk
y2 = 1.0_rk
z1 = 0.0_rk
z2 = 1.0_rk
Fortran implementation
! Calcuate directional cosines
L = sqrt( (x2-x1)**2 + (y2-y1)**2 + (z2-z1)**2 )
nx = (x2-x1)/L
ny = (y2-y1)/L
nz = (z2-z1)/L
! Calucate local stiffness matrix
Kel(1,:) = (/ 1.0_ap , -1.0_ap /)
Kel(2,:) = (/ -1.0_ap, 1.0_ap /)
Kel = Kel * (E*A/L)
G(1,:) = (/ nx, ny, nz, 0.0_ap, 0.0_ap, 0.0_ap /)
G(2,:) = (/ 0.0_ap, 0.0_ap, 0.0_ap, nx, ny, nz /)
! Calculate transformed stiffness matrix
Ke = matmul(matmul(transpose(G),Kel),G)
! Print matrix
do i=1,6
write(*,'(6G10.3)') (Ke(i,j), j=1,6)
end do
end program function_sample
Fortran implementation
0.1925 0.1925 0.1925 -.1925 -.1925 -.1925 0.1925 0.1925 0.1925 -.1925 -.1925 -.1925 0.1925 0.1925 0.1925 -.1925 -.1925 -.1925 -.1925 -.1925 -.1925 0.1925 0.1925 0.1925 -.1925 -.1925 -.1925 0.1925 0.1925 0.1925 -.1925 -.1925 -.1925 0.1925 0.1925 0.1925
Program units and subroutines
Main program
[program program-name]
[specification statements]
[executable statements]
end [program [program-name]]
The end-statement signals the end of the program-unit and also terminates the program execution
A Fortran program can only have one main program
The stop-statement
- Stops program execution
- Can be used in all program units
- "Well-behaved" subroutines should return control to the main program, where error handling and stop-statements are executed
- A stop-statement can contain stop codes
- Number or strings
- Bad coding practice in to have stop-codes in subroutines and functions.
- External subroutines
- Placed in separate source files. Implicit interface.
- Can be implemented in other languages
- Internal subroutines
- subroutines contained inside program units, external subroutines and in module subroutines
- Module subroutine
- subroutine contained in a module
subroutine subroutine-name[([dummy-argument-list])]
end subroutine [subroutine-name]
A subroutine in Fortran has the following syntax
- All variables passed to a subroutine are passed by reference
- A arguments to the subroutine refers to the actual variable in the calling code.
- Subroutine arguments must be declared in the subroutine
- A subroutine is called using the call statement
- Control is returned to the calling routine at the end of the subroutine or by calling return.
- Several return statements can exists in a subroutine
subroutine myproc(a,B,C)
implicit none
integer :: a
real, dimension(a,*) :: B
real, dimension(a) :: C
end subroutine
integer :: a
real, dimension(20,02) :: B
real, dimension(10) :: C
call myproc(a,B,C)
Dimensions of arrays need to be passed in the call, so that they can be declared correctly in the subroutine.
Last dimension not needed to be passed (*) as it is not needed to reference an array.
type function function-name([dummy-argument-list])
function-name = return-value
end function function-name
A subroutine in Fortran has the following syntax
Subroutine with a return value
real function f(x)
real :: x
f = sin(x)
end function f
real :: x, y
y = f(x)
- Packages
- global data
- derived types and associated operations
- subprograms
- interface blocks
- namelist definitions
- Package everything associated with some kind of task
- interval arithmetic
- FEM elements of a certain type …
module module-name
[specification statements]
end [module [program-name]]
module constants
integer, parameter :: ik6 = selected_int_kind(6)
integer, parameter :: rk = selected_real_kind(15,300)
end module constants
use constants
integer(ik6) :: myint
real(rk) :: myreal
module truss
integer ...
real, private ...
public :: bar2e
subroutine bar2e(...)
end subroutine bar2e
end module truss
Variables and subroutines can be made private and public (default) using the private and public attributes
program main
use truss
call bar2e(...)
end program main
All public variables, subroutines and datatypes from truss now available in program unit
Arguments of subroutines
- Paramters passed as reference
- Changing a parameter in a subroutine affects variable in calling routine
- Quicker subroutine calls
- Undesired “sideeffects”
- Declaration of parameters
- Don’t have to be the same as the calling routine
- Last dimension can be left out for arrays.
Subroutines example
program sub_declaration1
real(8), dimension(4,4) :: A
integer, dimension(3) :: v
A = 0.0_8
v = 0
call dowork(A,4,4,v,3)
print *, A(4,4)
print *, v(3)
end program sub_declaration1
subroutine dowork(A,rows,cols,v,elements)
integer :: rows, cols, elements
real(8), dimension(rows*cols) :: A
integer, dimension(elements) :: v
A = 42.0_8
v = 42
end subroutine dowork
Subroutine interfaces
- 2 flavors
- external/implicit interface
- Internal/explicit interface
- Implicit (Fortran 77)
- Separately compiled .f90-files
- Compiler does not have all information
- Explicit (Fortran 9x / 200x)
- Declared in modules, program contain-section or with interface declaration
- Compiler has all information on the subroutine interface
Subroutine in Fortran 90/95/2003
- Arrays and vectors can be declared with (:,:) or (:) dimensions
- The explicit interface gives the compiler all information to determine the sizes of the parameters
- Shorter subroutine parameter lists
- Actual dimensions of the arrays can be queried using the size(array, dimension) function.
Implicit interface
program test
real(8), dimension(20,30) :: A
A = 0.0_8
call mysub(A, 20, 30)
end program test
subroutine mysub(A,rows,cols)
integer :: rows, cols
real(8), dimension(rows,cols) :: A
A = 42.0_8
print *, 'rows = ', size(A,1)
print *, 'cols = ', size(A,2)
end subroutine mysub
Module interface
program test
use utils
real(8), dimension(20,30) :: A
A = 0.0_8
call mysub2(A)
end program test
module utils
subroutine mysub2(A)
real(8), dimension(:,:) :: A
A = 42.0_8
print *, 'rows = ', size(A,1)
print *, 'cols = ', size(A,2)
end subroutine mysub2
end module utils
Assumed shape array
Internal subroutine
program test
real(8), dimension(20,30) :: A
A = 0.0_8
call mysub3(A)
subroutine mysub3(A)
real(8), dimension(:,:) :: A
A = 42.0_8
print *, 'rows = ', size(A,1)
print *, 'cols = ', size(A,2)
end subroutine mysub3
end program test
Assumed shape array
Explicit interface
As no module or program unit is used interface must be declared explicitely here
program test
subroutine mysub4(A)
real(8), dimension(:,:) :: A
end subroutine mysub4
end interface
real(8), dimension(20,30) :: A
A = 0.0_8
call mysub4(A)
end program test
subroutine mysub4(A)
real(8), dimension(:,:) :: A
A = 42.0_8
print *, 'rows = ', size(A,1)
print *, 'cols = ', size(A,2)
end subroutine mysub4
Automatic variables
- Temporary variables in subroutines
- Created on the stack
- Automatically allocated to desired size
- Must fit in the stack
Automatic variables
program automatic_arrays
real(8), dimension(20,30) :: A
call mysub(A)
subroutine mysub(A)
real(8), dimension(:,:) :: A
integer, dimension(size(A,1),size(A,2)) :: B
B = 0
print *, "rows = ", size(B,1)
print *, "cols = ", size(B,2)
end subroutine mysub
end program automatic_arrays
B is automatically allocated. size() can be used to query size. More on this later.
Array features
Allocatable arrays
- Size of arrays not always known at compile time
- Declared using the allocatable attribute
- The array rank is defined at declarations, but bounds undefined until array has been allocated
- Allocate-statements used to allocate the array
- ”Work arrays” where used in Fortran 77 as a replacement for allocatable arrays
- Deallocated with deallocate-statement
- Allocatable arrays automatically deallocated when returning from a function or subroutine
Allocatable arrays
real, dimension(:), allocatable :: f
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: K
allocate(f(20)) ! or allocate(f(20), K(20,20)
deallocate(f) ! or deallocate(f, K)
Array subobjects
- Used to extract fields/arrays from other arrays
- Can be used as parameters in subroutine calls
- Compare Matlab’s index notation
Array subobjects
program array_subobjects
integer, dimension(5,10) :: A
integer :: i, j
do i=1,5
do j=1,10
A(i,j) = (i-1)*10 + j
end do
end do
print *, "Entire array:"
call writeArray(A)
print *, "A(1, 5:10)"
call writeVector(A(1, 5:10))
print *, "A(1:5, 5:10)"
call writeArray(A(1:5, 5:10))
print *, "A(1:5, 5:10)"
call writeArray(A(1:5, 5:10))
print *, "A((/1,3/), (/2,4/))"
call writeArray(A( (/1,3/), (/2,4/) ))
end program array_subobjects
Array subobjects
Entire array:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
A(1, 5:10)
5 6 7 8 9 10
A(1:5, 5:10)
5 6 7 8 9 10
15 16 17 18 19 20
25 26 27 28 29 30
35 36 37 38 39 40
45 46 47 48 49 50
A(1:5, 5:10)
5 6 7 8 9 10
15 16 17 18 19 20
25 26 27 28 29 30
35 36 37 38 39 40
45 46 47 48 49 50
A((/1,3/), (/2,4/))
2 4
22 24
Vector and matrix multiplication
- Matrix multiplication
- matmul(A,B), where A and B are matrices
- Scalarproduct
- dot_product(a,b), where a and b are vectors
Array subobjects
program matrix_multiply
real(8), dimension(4,4) :: A
real(8), dimension(4,8) :: B
real(8), dimension(4,8) :: C
call randomMatrix(A)
call randomMatrix(B)
call randomMatrix(C)
C = matmul(A,B)
print *, "A = "
call writeArray(A)
print *, "B = "
call writeArray(B)
print *, "C = "
call writeArray(C)
end program matrix_multiply
Array subobjects
A =
.984 .700 .275 .661
.810 .910 .304 .484
.985 .347 .548 .614
.971 .882 .129 .929
B =
.763 .534 .711E-01.404 .731 .636 .879 .689
.786 .231 .238 .951 .621 .528 .733 .588E-01
.466 .302 .209 .294 .598 .461 .911 .343
.690E-01.619 .305 .326E-01.438 .202 .617 .851
C =
1.48 1.18 .496 1.17 1.61 1.26 2.04 1.38
1.51 1.03 .486 1.30 1.55 1.23 1.96 1.13
1.32 1.15 .455 .909 1.53 1.19 2.00 1.41
1.56 1.34 .589 1.30 1.74 1.33 2.19 1.56
Reduction routines
- True if all element = .true.
- True if any element = .true.
- Max/min value in the field
- Product of all elements in the field
- Sum of all elements in the field
Reduction routines
print *, 'Product of A = ', product(A)
print *, 'Sum of A = ', sum(A)
print *, 'Max of A = ', maxval(A)
print *, 'Min of A = ', minval(A)
A =
.984 .700 .275 .661
.810 .910 .304 .484
.985 .347 .548 .614
.971 .882 .129 .929
Product of A = 0.00016095765496870103
Sum of A = 10.534961942117661
Max of A = 0.9853920286986977
Min of A = 0.12899155798368156
Information routines
- Returns lower field index
- Return upper field index
- Returns the matrix shape in an array [rows, columns]
- Returns the size of matrix in a specific dimension
Input and output
Reading and writing
- Reading/writing from files is done using the READ/WRITE-statements
- One row for each READ/WRITE-statement
- First parameter determines where to read and write.
- When reading from standard input or writing to standard output an asterisk (*) kan be used as the first parameter
- Fortran automatically converts text in a file to typed variable values
- Several variables can be read in the same statement using a comman separated list of variables
- To handle a large number of values on a row an implicit loop can be used
Reading and writing
! Read 8 floating point values from unit ir
read(*,*) a(1), a(2), a(3), a(4), a(5), a(6), a(7), a(8)
! or perhaps even better...
read(*,*) (a(i), i=1,8)
! Same procedure for writing
write(*,*) (a(i), i=1,8)
For only writing to standard output, the print-statement can be used.
print*, 'Hello, world!'
Formatted I/O
- Second parameter in the WRITE statement defines the output format
- * represents the default format which often displays at full precision
- A format parameter is a string describing the output format
- The format is defined using format codes
Formatted I/O
- Common codes
- A[n] – character string with the width n
- I[n] – integer with the width n
- G[m.n] – floating point value with width m and n decimals
- Format codes can be repeated by giving a integer in front of the code
- “(6I5)” = 6 integers with the width 5
Formatted I/O
program format_print
real(8), dimension(3) :: a
integer, dimension(4) :: b
integer :: i, j
! Write table header
a = (/ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 /)
b = (/ 4, 5, 6, 7 /)
write(*, '(3A8,4A5)') 'aaaaaaaa', &
'bbbbbbbb', 'cccccccc', 'ddddd', 'eeeee', 'fffff', &
! Write table
do j=1,10
write(*, '(3G8.3,4I5)') (a(i),i=1,3), (b(i), i=1,4)
end do
end program format_print
Formatted I/O
1.00 2.00 3.00 4 5 6 7
1.00 2.00 3.00 4 5 6 7
1.00 2.00 3.00 4 5 6 7
1.00 2.00 3.00 4 5 6 7
1.00 2.00 3.00 4 5 6 7
1.00 2.00 3.00 4 5 6 7
1.00 2.00 3.00 4 5 6 7
1.00 2.00 3.00 4 5 6 7
1.00 2.00 3.00 4 5 6 7
1.00 2.00 3.00 4 5 6 7
"Dynamic" format codes
- Format strings are static strings
- How to create a format code that can handle dynamic number of values
- WRITE can use a character string as a “file”
"Dynamic" format codes
subroutine writeArray(A)
real(8), dimension(:,:) :: A
integer :: rows, cols, i, j
character(255) :: fmt
rows = size(A,1)
cols = size(A,2)
write(fmt, '(A,I1,A)') '(',cols, 'G8.3)'
do i=1,rows
print fmt, (A(i,j), j=1,cols)
end do
end subroutine writeArray
String that will contain the final format code.
Write to fmt string using a write statement
Use the format string when printing array
Reading and writing to file
To read and write data to file a file must be associated with a file unit (integer number)
- The open()-statement is used to accomplish this
- Also determines if the file should be read, written or appended.
There are 3 modes of file operations in Fortran
- Text I/O - Textfiles
- Namelist I/O - Textfiles with named variables
- Unformatted I/O - Binary files
When file I/O is completed files needs to be closed
- Tells the operating environment that a file is not used
- If files are not closed there is a risk that they won't be written correctly to disk (due to buffering)
Opening files
integer, parameter :: infile = 15
integer, parameter :: outfile = 16
! ---- Open a file for reading
open(unit=infile,file='indata.dat', access='sequential', action='read')
! ---- Read from file
read(infile, *) ...
! ---- Close file
! ---- Open a file for writing
open(unit=outfile,file='utdata.dat', access='sequential', action='write')
! ---- Write to file
write(outfile, *) ...
! ---- Close file
Texfile mode
File operation
Reading from file and keyboard
read(*,*) A
read(5,*) A
integer, parameter :: ir=15
open(unit=ir, file=’example.dat’)
read(ir,*) A
Writing to file and screen
write(*,*) A
write(6,*) A
write(*,’ (TR1,A,G15.6)’) ’A = ’, A
integer, parameter :: iw=16
open(unit=iw, file=’example.dat’)
write(iw, ’(A,G15.6)’) A
Code structuring
Structuring of projects
- For smaller project modularisation not necessary
- For larger project it is a must to be able to maintain the code
- In Fortran 95 the key to modularisation is the module
- Modules should be used to group related subroutines and data
Code structuring
Example code
program stress
use inputdata
use outputdata
use fem
use solve
end program stress
module fem
use utils
end module fem
module utils
end module utils
More on subroutines
Procedures as arguments
- procedures in Fortran 95 can take procedures as arguments
- Properties of “dummy” procedure arguments must agree
- The procedure type is declared in the specification part
- Internal procedures can’t be used
Procedures as arguments
module utils
implicit none
integer, parameter :: dp = selected_real_kind(15,300)
real(dp) function myfunc(x)
real(dp), intent(in) :: x
myfunc = sin(x)
end function myfunc
subroutine tabulate(startInterval, endInterval, step, func)
real(dp), intent(in) :: startInterval, endInterval, step
real(dp) :: x
real(8) function func(x)
real(8), intent(in) :: x
end function func
end interface
x = startInterval
do while (x<endInterval)
print *, x, func(x)
x = x + step
end do
end subroutine tabulate
end module utils
Declaration of function interface. Function used as argument must have the same interface
Procedures as arguments
program procedures_as_arguments
use utils
implicit none
call tabulate(0.0_dp, 3.14_dp, 0.1_dp, myfunc)
end program procedures_as_arguments
Procedures as arguments
0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000
0.10000000000000001 9.98334166468281548E-002
0.20000000000000001 0.19866933079506122
0.30000000000000004 0.29552020666133960
0.40000000000000002 0.38941834230865052
0.50000000000000000 0.47942553860420301
0.59999999999999998 0.56464247339503537
0.69999999999999996 0.64421768723769102
0.79999999999999993 0.71735609089952268
0.89999999999999991 0.78332690962748330
0.99999999999999989 0.84147098480789639
1.0999999999999999 0.89120736006143531
1.2000000000000000 0.93203908596722629
1.3000000000000000 0.96355818541719296
1.4000000000000001 0.98544972998846025
1.5000000000000002 0.99749498660405445
1.6000000000000003 0.99957360304150511
1.7000000000000004 0.99166481045246857
1.8000000000000005 0.97384763087819504
1.9000000000000006 0.94630008768741425
2.0000000000000004 0.90929742682568149
2.1000000000000005 0.86320936664887349
2.2000000000000006 0.80849640381958987
2.3000000000000007 0.74570521217671970
2.4000000000000008 0.67546318055115029
2.5000000000000009 0.59847214410395577
2.6000000000000010 0.51550137182146338
2.7000000000000011 0.42737988023382895
Keyword and optional arguments
- Many procedures have long argument lists
- All arguments not needed
- Procedural arguments in Fortran can be given the attribute optional
- real, optional :: a
- Optional arguments can be omitted in the procedure call
- Presence of an argument can be tested with the present function.
- Arguments can be specified with keywords
Keyword and optional arguments
call order_icecream(2)
call order_icecream(2, 1)
call order_icecream(4, 4, 2)
call order_icecream(4, topping=3)
subroutine order_icecream(number, flavor, topping)
integer :: number
integer, optional :: flavor
integer, optional :: topping
print *, number, 'icecreams ordered.'
if (present(flavor)) then
print *, 'Flavor is ', flavor
print *, 'No flavor was given.'
end if
if (present(topping)) then
print *, 'Topping is ', topping
print *, 'No topping was given.'
end if
end subroutine order_icecream
- Procedure call to different procedures depending on datatype
- Declare an interface with procedural interfaces for all used datatypes
- Explicit interfaces (modules) can use a simpler form
- module procedure procedure-name-list
module special
interface func
module procedure ifunc, rfunc
end interface
integer function ifunc(x)
integer, intent(in) :: x
ifunc = x * 42
end function ifunc
real(dp) function rfunc(x)
real(dp), intent(in) :: x
rfunc = x / 42.0_dp
end function rfunc
end module special
program overloading
use special
implicit none
integer :: a = 42
real(dp) :: b = 42.0_dp
a = func(a)
b = func(b)
print *, a
print *, b
end program overloading
Operator overloading
- Define operations on derived types
- Vector / Matrix operations
- interface operator(operator) used to define a function implementing the operations for this operator
- Function has the form
- type(derived-type-name) function-name(operand1, operand2)
Operator overloading
module vector_operations
integer, parameter :: dp = selected_real_kind(15,300)
type vector
real(dp) :: components(3)
end type vector
interface operator(+)
module procedure vector_plus_vector
end interface
type(vector) function vector_plus_vector(v1, v2)
type(vector), intent(in) :: v1, v2
vector_plus_vector%components = v1 % components + v2 % components
end function vector_plus_vector
end module vector_operations
Operator overloading
program operator_overloading
use vector_operations
implicit none
type(vector) :: v1
type(vector) :: v2
type(vector) :: v
v1 % components = (/1.0, 0.0, 0.0/)
v2 %components = (/0.0, 1.0, 0.0/)
v = v1 + v2
print *, v
end program operator_overloading
1.00000000000000000 1.00000000000000000 0.0000000000000000
Public and private attributes
- Control visibility of variables and functions
- Hide module implementation details
- Prevent side effects in modules
- Visibility of variables controlled by private and public attributes
- procedure visibility controlled by
- private access-list
- public is the default for all module variables and procedures
Public and private attributes
module mymodule
implicit none
integer, public :: visible
integer, private :: invisible
private privatefunc
public publicfunc
subroutine privatefunc
print *, 'This function can only be called from within a module.'
end subroutine privatefunc
subroutine publicfunc
call privatefunc
end subroutine publicfunc
end module mymodule
Public and private attributes
program private_entities
use mymodule
implicit none
call publicfunc
end program private_entities
program private_entities
use mymodule
implicit none
call privatefunc
end program private_entities
Works as publicfunc is public
make all
gfortran -g -fbounds-check -Wall -Wtabs -c main.f90
gfortran -o private_entities mymodule.o main.o
main.o: In function `private_entities':
D:\edu\.../main.f90:7: undefined reference to `privatefunc_'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [private_entities] Error 1
Doesn't work as privatefunc is private
- Pointer = reference to a variable
- Strictly typed
- Pointer targets must have target attribute
- For compiler optimisation
- Enables the return of allocatable arrays from procedures
- nullify(pointer) disassociates pointer from target
- => operator is used to associated a pointer with a target
program pointers
implicit none
integer, allocatable, dimension(:,:), target :: A
integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: B, C
B => A
print *, size(B,1), size(B,2)
call createArray(C)
print *, size(C,1), size(C,2)
B => null()
B(1,1) = 0 ! Dangerous!
subroutine createArray(D)
integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: D
end subroutine createArray
end program pointers
B points to A
B can be queried just like a normal array
An unassociated pointer can be passed to a subroutine and be returned as an allocated array
Advanced I/O
List directed I/O
- Fortran uses a specific format for reading and writing variables to files
- Variables output from write(*,*) are separated with space/blanks
- Complex numbers surrounded by ( )
- Strings must be enclosed in ‘ ‘ or “ “ when output
- Reading variables require the same format
List directed I/O
program list_io
implicit none
integer, parameter :: ir = 15
integer, parameter :: iw = 16
integer :: a = 42
real :: b = 42.0 * 42.0
character(len=20) :: string = 'Hello, string!'
logical :: topping = .true.
complex :: c = (1.0,2.0)
open(unit=iw, file='list.txt', status='replace')
write(iw,*) a, b, '"',string,'"', topping, c
open(unit=ir, file='list.txt', status='old')
read(ir,*) a, b, string, topping, c
print *, a
print *, b
print *, topping
print *, c
end program list_io
42 1764.0000 "Hello, string! " F ( 1.00000000 , 2.0000000 )
.true. and .false. can also be used as input for logical variables
Namelist I/O
- Reading list of named values
- Value names defined in a namelist
- Input must consist of lists of named value pairs separated with comma
- & name = value, name = value /
- Can contain arrays
- name = 1,2,3,4,5
- Fortran can also write named values
Namelist I/O
program namelist_io
implicit none
integer, parameter :: ir = 15
integer, parameter :: iw = 16
integer :: no_of_eggs, litres_of_milk, kilos_of_butter, list(5)
namelist /food/ no_of_eggs, litres_of_milk, kilos_of_butter, list
list = 0
open(unit=ir, file='food.txt', status='old')
read(ir, nml=food)
print *, no_of_eggs, litres_of_milk, kilos_of_butter
open(unit=iw, file='food2.txt', status='new')
write(iw, nml=food)
end program namelist_io
namelist defined variables to be read from file
namelist defined variables to be written to file.
Unformatted I/O
- Writing data using a textual representation not efficient in all cases
- No format needed, binary output
- read(unit=xx) a
- write(unit=xx) b
- Output from unformatted I/O often system dependent
- Scratchfiles and temporary files
Direct access files
- Used when a random access pattern is needed
- File consists of a set of equal sized records
- Any record in the file can be accessed randomly
- If the record is changed data cannot be read back from file
- Size of a record can be found using inquire(iolength=variable-name) recordLength
Direct access files / unformatted I/O
program unformatted_io
implicit none
type account
character(len=40) :: account_holder
real :: balance
end type account
integer, parameter :: iw = 15
type(account) :: accountA
type(account) :: accountB
integer :: recordSize
inquire(iolength=recordSize) accountA
print *, 'Record size =',recordSize
accountA % account_holder = 'Olle'
accountA % balance = 400
accountB % account_holder = 'Janne'
accountB % balance = 800
open(unit=iw, file='bank.dat', access='direct', recl=recordSize, status='replace')
write(iw, rec=1) accountA
write(iw, rec=2) accountB
end program unformatted_io
Derived datatypes good candidates for storing as records in a random access file
Inquire for the required record length
access=’direct’ creates a direct access file.
The rec attribute determines the location to store/read the record
File positioning
- File pointer – Invisible cursor in the file
backspace unit
- Move file pointer back 1 record
rewind unit
- Move file pointer to beginning of file
endfile unit
- Move file pointer to the end of the file.
Error handling in file operations
- open, close, read and write have an err attribute that can be set to a specific label to jump to when an error occurs
- Well behaved programs should implement error handling when reading and writing files
Error handling in file operations
program error_handling
implicit none
integer, parameter :: ir = 15
integer :: a
open(unit=ir, file='test.txt', status='old', err=99)
read(ir,*,err=99) a
99 print *, 'An error occured reading the file.'
end program error_handling
New features
Allocatable array extensions
- Remove the need for pointers to use allocatable arrays as dummy arguments
- Inefficient
Allocatable array extensions
program allocatable_dummy
implicit none
real, allocatable :: A(:,:)
call createArray(A)
print *, size(A,1), size(A,2)
subroutine createArray(A)
real, allocatable, intent(out) :: A(:,:)
end subroutine createArray
end program allocatable_dummy
A pointer dummy argument was needed to implement this i Fortran 95
Allocatable functions
program allocatable_function
implicit none
real :: A(20)
A = createVector(20)
print *, size(A,1)
function createVector(n)
real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: createVector
integer, intent(in) :: n
end function createVector
end program allocatable_function
Vector allocated in function will be automatically deallocated when it has been used.
Allocatable components
type stack
integer :: index
integer, allocatable :: content(:)
end type stack
Pointers used in Fortran 95, but no automatic deallocation available
- The Fortran 95 module concept adequate for moderate size projects
- Difficult to modularize modules themselves
- Dividing modules into several modules
- exposes internal structure
- nameclashes
- Changes to module features require recompilation of all files using this module
Separation of module into
Interface – defined in the module
Body – defined in submodule
module points
type point
real :: x, y
end type point
real module function point_dist(a, b)
type(point), intent(in) :: a, b
end function point_dist
end interface
end module points
submodule (points) points_a
real module function point_dist(a,b)
type(point), intent(in) :: a, b
point_dist = sqrt((a%x-b%x)**2+(a%y-b%y)**2)
end function point_dist
end submodule points_a
C Interoperability
- No clear definitions existed between Fortran 95 and the C language
- C/Fortran programming is important
- Interfacing with C libraries
- C user interface application interfacing with Fortran code
- New intrinsic module, iso_c_binding, included
- Contains definitions of all the C datatypes mapped to Fortran types
C Interoperability
program c_interop
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
integer(c_int) :: a
real(c_float) :: b
real(c_double) :: c
a = 42
b = 42.0_c_float
c = 84.0_c_double
print *, a, b, c
end program c_interop
C Interoperability
- Fortran always passes all variables by reference
- In C scalar arguments are often passed by value
- Argument value is copied to procedure
- The variable attribute value is added for compatibility with C code
- Enables direct linking with C
Object-oriented programming
module mytype_module
type mytype
real :: myvalue(4) = 0.0
procedure :: write => write_mytype
procedure :: reset
end type mytype
private :: write_mytype, reset
subroutine write_mytype(this, unit)
class(mytype) :: this
integer, optional :: unit
if (present(unit)) then
write(unit,*) this % myvalue
print *, this % myvalue
end if
end subroutine write_mytype
subroutine reset(variable)
class(mytype) :: variable
variable % myvalue = 0.0
end subroutine reset
end module mytype_module
class(mtype) :: x
call x % write(6)
call x % reset
Access to computing environment
- Query environment variables
- Retrieve the number of command line arguments
- Retrieve specific command line argument
Introduction to Modern Fortran
By Jonas Lindemann